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SiteTruth for webmasters
How SiteTruth rates sites, and how to improve ratings.


SiteTruth has two basic principles:
  • The rating process is transparent; webmasters can see the information used to compute their rating.
  • Webmasters can improve their rating by improving the information available about their business.

The tools and documents below are provided to assist webmasters in improving their ratings.

SiteTruth documents
SiteTruth integrity ratings An explanation of how SiteTruth rates sites.
Webmaster guide What you can do to increase your site's rating.
SiteTruth and payment sites Suggestions for third-party payment sites which provide validation of their customers.
SiteTruth privacy policy Our privacy policy and disclaimers.
The SiteTruth API Use SiteTruth data in your programs.
Current limitations Limitations of the current version
Regulatory and compliance documents
California B&P code §17538 California law against anonymous Internet businesses.
European Electronic Commerce Directive (2000/31/EC) European Union laws against anonymous Internet businesses.
Consumer's Union WebWatch guidelines Guidance from major consumer groups on web site ownership disclosure.
White papers
Social is bad for search, and search is bad for social (2011) Why "crowdsourcing" doesn't work.
"Places" spam - the new front in the spam wars (2010) Google's first try at using social signals backfired. "Social" is too easy to spam.
Webmaster Tools

Detailed SiteTruth analysis, for webmasters. (Allow 1 minute.)

View a page as read by the SiteTruth server.

Validate a page with the World Wide Web Consortium's official validation service.

SiteTruth. Search, with less evil.

Another service from the publishers of Downside